Team Building Events That Foster Critical Thinking

Critical thinking in everyday life is the purposeful, disciplined process of using clues and previous experience to make a sound decision. Critical thinking in business looks like:

  • Efficient problem-solving
  • Effective data analysis
  • Connecting with consumers
  • Identifying and correcting errors

In short, critical thinking in the corporate arena involves understanding the information provided and using it to create growth. It’s an important factor in each business team — sales, marketing, branding, consumer awareness and engagement, and more.

Critical thinking also means your team (and your company, as a whole) learns how to effectively assign leaders, designate tasks, and encourage growth and development. Grupo Events offers the following team building activities from our catalog. They foster critical thinking in business, and instill valuable take-home skills in your team members:

  • It’s a Mystery: Your team members divide into teams and use creativity and analytical thinking to decipher clues and solve a challenging mystery. They’ll take creative thinking and problem-solving back to your office and use them to meet challenges and promote ongoing advancement from level to level.
  • X Games: Just like the TV show it’s modeled after, this team challenge event uses physical and mental acumen to encourage speed, problem-solving, and precision. Every one of those skills will go back to your office.
  • Code Break: Your team members will decode mysteries in collaboration with one another. They’ll learn to translate problems into solutions and take the mystery out of seemingly indecipherable language. That’ll come in handy when it’s time to read through contracts and fine print.

Critical thinking in business matters is important for your company. In fact, companies of all sizes use critical, targeted thinking to make sound decisions for the immediate and forecastable future. Bring your team to Mexico. At Grupo Events, we’ll make it easy. Start planning the retreat your team members need by contacting one of our team members today.