You’ve Hosted A Successful Corporate Retreat. Now What?

When your corporate group experiences the thrill of a Grupo Events corporate retreat in Mexico, they’ll learn team building skills and strategies that translate right back to your corporate office. The key to learning those team-building techniques is trusting your team to Grupo Events. The key to implementing them is in your corporate retreat follow-up.

You’ve probably heard it said that when it comes to business, the magic is in the follow-up. We’ve heard that, too. That’s why we’ve put together this list to equip you with three simple ways to make the most of the days and weeks after your corporate team building retreat.

  1. Make Time For Team Debriefing

Plan a day back home for your team to talk about what they did and what they learned during their retreat. Ask each team member to talk about their favorite activity, biggest takeaway and what they’d like to tackle during next year’s Grupo Events retreat.

  • Maximize New Team Member Connections

Team members are sure to learn a lot about each other’s strengths, limitations, plans – and personalities. Ask each team member to tell you something new and surprising they learned about a fellow team member during the retreat.

  • Encourage Self-Reflection & Personal Development

When done correctly, team development always comes with accompanying personal development. As part of your corporate retreat follow-up process, ask each team member what they’ve learned about themselves, their role on your team, and the importance of working together.

Team members may even find they want to swap or reassign team roles because of what they’ve learned in team challenges and activities in Mexico. Being open to those ideas and ideals can let team members learn to self-asses, self-evaluate, and self-approve.

Want to really maximize the impact of your time with Grupo Events? Plan an entire corporate retreat follow-up day that lets team members unpack what they’ve learned and make plans to implement the new strategies they’ve adopted. At Grupo Events, we know the magic is in the follow-up – but we also know the magic starts in Mexico.