Like all corporate teams, yours is made up of a diverse group of people with varying talents and skills. The traits each team member brings to the table make the group function well – especially when each knows their team member’s role clearly. Productivity is enhanced when each individual understands the importance of their part in the group.
All teams have some version of the following roles – leader, manager, CEO, CMO, CTO, President, Vice-President, etc. Let’s examine these different team member’s roles and how it plays into your company. Regardless of title, all teams have a leader.
Team Leader: The leader sets the tone for the team, sets goals, assigns tasks, and creates focus. They oversee time management, create order, and report on the team’s progress to higher-ups. The team leader is a role of great responsibility, and one other team members may strive to fulfill.
Facilitator: Most teams also have a facilitator. While this role is often part of the leader’s job description, it can be a role all its own. The facilitator might more commonly be called the middleman or organizer since their role usually involves keeping the cogs of the team well-oiled and ensuring everyone understands their part.
Member: Far too important to overlook is the role of each team member. These individuals are the heart and soul of corporate teams since they perform the everyday tasks that meet the goals laid out for the team. Their productivity is increased when their roles are clearly defined and greatly appreciated.
At Grupo Events, we know how critical teams are to corporate functionality, productivity, and success. We also know how important it is to ensure proper team function by creating well-defined roles that make meeting shared goals easier. When you are ready to understand, assign, and encourage each team member’s role, contact one of our team members. We’ll help you choose just the right team challenges and activities for you.