Three Zoom-Based Team Building Activities

Like most of the world, your team is probably hosting a lot of online meetings via Zoom and other providers of online corporate meeting solutions. At Grupo Events, we use every tool at our disposal to help your team stay connected and collaborative. Here are three games your team can play together, even while they’re far apart.

  • Corporate Choir: Your team can play this song in three versions. Version 1 – assign a short song (or a song snippet) and have each team member record themselves and play them all together. Version 2 – have the whole team sing together to create a single soundtrack. Version 3 – have an online Karaoke contest. No matter which version your team decides to play, have fun!
  • Corporate Charades: This one is so simple, it’s almost self-explanatory. It works the same way when played in an online corporate meeting as it does when played in person. Make it even more fun by challenging your team to guess famous logos, each other, or industry jargon and phrases. Try it with your team – it’s a delightful way to help team members learn to communicate without saying a word.
  • Corporate Bingo: Like Charades, your team already knows how to play Bingo. Turn it into a team activity by playing in teams and by substituting the typical numbers on a Bingo card with company-relevant ideas, team member names, and so on. A quick Google search for ‘corporate bingo’ will generate tons of additional ideas.

Using these three games, your team members can stay connected, have fun between virtual meetings, hang out around the virtual water cooler, and develop team goals and challenges while still having a blast. Use them as virtual icebreakers, meeting openers, or breaktime fun.

Need more ideas for making your next online corporate meeting fun and productive? Contact the Grupo Events team to learn more about how we can help your team make the most of social distancing while also helping you plan for a return to the beautiful shores of Mexico.